Comments on: How to Find and Remove External Links in Excel The premier source for tech news, tips, reviews and how to galleries Thu, 27 Apr 2023 20:57:45 +0000 hourly 1 By: jamies Thu, 27 Apr 2023 20:57:45 +0000 I suspect the article needs some tweaking –
Hidden sheets are also something to be looked at – probably needing to be unhidden
And then there are veryhidden sheets where the sheets do not even show in the select a sheet list (bottom left corner of #Excel window)

I usually start looking by creating a copy of the workbook,
then right click on a worksheet to see if unhide is not grey’d out , and unhide as needed.
then select all the sheets (select the first, shift and select the last in the tabs along the bottom of the window)
and use find for the files named in the links list
FindAll is a helpful option, expand the window, and use alt+prtscr to capture the panel’s window then paste that into a new .rtf file, or temporarily into a new email
Select just a single sheet as indicated by that list –
(with all the sheets selected, any change can be applied to the indicated cell of all the selected sheets – and at this stage you would just be looking to see what can just be set to the “Value” rather than needing to be set to something differennt – maybe a new sheet with the variable values indicated in it, and the external links from other sheets set to data cells in that new ‘linksToGet’ worksheet.
So go through the links creating data value cells in the workbook and commentary etc, for the external links that were found!
