
How to Delete Drafts on Instagram

How to Delete Drafts on Instagram

If you post a lot on Instagram, saving drafts is a helpful. But, there may be times when you need to delete drafts on Instagram. Here’s how.

When you create Stories, Reels, and post videos on Instagram, you can save them as a draft. But sometimes, you might not need them anymore and need to delete drafts on Instagram.

When you file your posts under the Drafts section, it saves them so you can come back to edit and publish them later. For example, you may not have the information or footage you need for your Instagram Reels. Saving them as a draft is a good solution.

Saving your content as a draft is helpful if you post content regularly on the service. But in this guide, if you want to get rid of drafts on Instagram, we’ll show you how to do it on your phone or tablet.

Delete Drafts on Instagram

Whether it’s Reels, Stories, or Posts on Instagram, deleting your drafts is straightforward from the app on your phone or tablet using the following steps.

  1. Launch the Instagram app on your phone or tablet and sign in if you aren’t already.Delete Drafts on Instagram
  2.  Tap the Create button at the bottom of the screen.instagram create button
  3. Choose Post from the menu at the bottom of the screen, select the Drafts option, and tap on Manage above your selection of drafts. Note that all of your posts and videos will be listed in the same section.drafts instagram
  4. Tap the Edit button on the Drafts page.Delete Drafts on Instagram
  5. The title of the page will change from Drafts to Discard.
  6. Tap the thumbnails to select the drafts you want to delete from your device and select Done in the top right corner.discard drafts
  7. Select the Discard posts button when the verification message appears.Delete Drafts on Instagram
Note: You’ll sometimes receive a technical issue error when trying to delete a draft. It’s a rare error in our testing, but it’s something to be aware of. Closing the message and removing the draft again typically resolves the issue.
can't load draft error

That’s all there is to it. Once you follow the steps, the drafts you selected on Instagram will be removed.

Deleting Drafts on Instagram

If you are a frequent poster on Instagram, the ability to save posts, Reels, and Stories as drafts can be helpful. However, it’s important to note that the content saved varies between content types. For instance, if you stop creating a Story, you can save it as a draft, but some changes you make to the content afterward may not be saved.

Still, Instagram will let you know when that’s the case. Furthermore, saving your content under the drafts section gives you a quick and easy way to return and publish it later.

However, if you have many drafts that you will never get to, deleting them is straightforward by following the above steps. With fewer saved drafts, you will have a more streamlined experience. That allows you to focus on the most important content to you and your followers.

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