
Map Active Directory and Exchange Topology Automatically

Earlier this week, Microsoft released a cool tool called the Microsoft Active Directory Topology Diagrammer.  It’s a free application that reads your Active Directory configuration using ActiveX Data Objects (ADO) and then automatically generates a detailed Visio diagram of your Active Directory environment.  Visio 2003 or 2007 is required to run this tool.

If you choose the option, it can also map out other things, such as your Microsoft Exchange 200X Configuration/Server Topology, domains, sites, servers, administrative groups, routing groups, and connectors.

Taking a look at the tool, when you launch the App, you are presented with many options and tabs.  They are all self-explanatory; however just a few quick tips to get you going:

1.   Walk through each of the TABS and Select all the items with which you will build your report.

2.   In the Server text box, Enter the name of an AD Domain Controller and Click Discover! button.  The ADTD tool will now discover your AD & Exchange Topology and the Draw! button will no longer be grayed out.

Note: You must select the Exchange options you wish to report BEFORE clicking the Discover button.  You must have Exchange Admin access to map out your Exchange Topology and Configuration.



3.   Click the Draw! button.  This will launch Microsoft Visio and draw out all the Topology diagrams you selected.


Above is my example of what Visio built for me.  I really like how it lays out all the FSMO role holders and displays all the DCs and the Windows Version and Service pack.  Being that I’m a Window Domain Admin for a large multi-national company, I’m always looking for tools like this that make my job easier, ESPECIALLY when it comes to corporate acquisitions (which we do 3-5 times a year.)




  1. Shane

    June 8, 2012 at 8:02 am

    I found this tool today and tried it out. The problem I had was when trying to get an output for my OUs, it draws to Visio but it is one big long diagram that won’t fit the screen. I”m no Visio expert so I’m not sure what I can do to see all the OUs that it drew.

  2. jroeser

    September 20, 2012 at 7:18 am

    Wouldnt draw for me. I have Visio 2007 and it says I need Visio 2003 or higher. What gives???

    • Steve Krause

      September 20, 2012 at 7:59 am

      You downloaded the app and filled out all the steps as I outlined?

  3. Harry

    August 14, 2013 at 11:23 am

    Hi Steve,

    What’s the ports need to be open to discover edge server at DMZ?


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