
How to Add Visual Effects To Images In Word 2010

Adding visual effects to images with Word 2010 is quick and easy. Let’s review the basics for how to get started with the feature in Microsoft Office

Back in Word 2007, there was a great variety of effects you could add to images.  With Office 2010, not only can you do more with images but the process is even easier! To play around, just insert an image into your document and a new Format Ribbon will appear whenever you click on that image.  From the Format Ribbon, you can adjust whether your picture has borders, shadows, highlights, and a ton more.

How To Quickly Add Stunning Visual Effects To Word 2010 Documents

The format tab has a set of preset effects that are ready to go right out of the box; these are the default picture styles.  The picture styles that come built-in are visually appealing and can add depth to your documents, but you may be thinking like I was and have a craving for something more original.

the picture tools format ribbon in word 2010 has a lot of great preset photo effects

To the right of the preset looks are a few different options.  You can add Borders, Shadows, Glow Effects, Bevels, Reflection, even 3-D rotation.  While these effects are nice, most of them were already available back in Word 2007.  In Word 2010, however, we can get into advanced effects and customization.

you can create pictore borders in word 2010

add glow and shadow and 3d rotation effects to word 2010 images

On the left side of the Format Ribbon, you’ll find the adjustment tab.  Here you can adjust the brightness, contrast, overall color, and even add artistic effects.  The effects range from minor differences to a full blown image modification.   At the bottom of each of these three menus, you will find an Options button.  You can Click Options to go into further customization.

there are many special artistic effects to choose from in word 2010

From the Options menu, you can customize all the effects that you add to your image, even the Artistic Effects.  If you were craving originality, you could edit your images to look like nothing that was ever done in Word before.

customize your visual effects in word 2010

There are a ton more visual effects and features for images and pictures in Microsoft Word 2010.  Try it out for yourself because I can guarantee it’s better than reading pages upon pages it would take to cover them all in a groovy article!

Have fun!

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